Electric Ladyland Studios - NYC
Andy came through with the coolest thing ever tonight... he managed to hook it up that we could go hang out at Electric Ladyland - the legendary studio where Jimi Hendrix wrote and recorded... and other amazing artists like Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones and an all-time favorite album of mine: D'Angelos 'Voodoo'.... We all met up in front of the hotel... at least everyone who was going to the studio... Carim, Jim, Soundvibe, Soundwife, Gordon, Andy & myself... Juana had thought about coming along but then decided not to as she has an early start tomorrow morning - has a radio session in Philly poor thing - so we said our good byes to her... everyone was pretty sad I think... we all had SOOOooooo much fun hanging out with her... not only that I was continually inspired by her performances... so it was a tough one... anyway, we all jumped in cabs and went down to Electric Ladyland... I think we were all pretty overwhelmed when we got given the tour... basically Andys friend Russ who will be producing Keziahs next album was in there working with this really sweet young vocalist called Crystal Warren (hope that's spelled right?!)... we got to hear some works in progress and it sounded beautiful... she is a real talent... and she was such a sweet young lady... and Russ really is THE man for letting us come by during his session just so we could drool... the studio they were working in was the smaller studio which (Russ told us) used to be Jimis apartment whilst he was still alive... even as I write this I can't believe I was actually there... what an honor... and studio A was unbelievable... I am not really that much of a studio freak in terms of knowing about all types of equipment but judging by Carims face (to say he almost died a thousand deaths through sheer excitement is an understatement) I gathered this place was truly extraordinary... whilst we there this guy was being recorded playing a specially treated piano... not exactly sure how he was playing but it sounded so cool... was just so exciting to be there and soak up the vibes... after about 45mins of pure bliss we decided to go down to this 24 hour French restaurant called French Roast around the corner from the studio... we were all starving... it was a nice way to end the day... I had a really nice burger with some strange cheese... and an Iced Chai... was pretty good... At about 3am it was time to back to the hotel... as we had an early start tomorrow I decided to pack all my stuff before going to bed because I just knew I wouldn't want to face doing it after only 4-5 hours sleep... so I got to bed somewhere around 5am... zzzzzzz.zzzzzzz.zzzzzz

That is tooooo cool. I would love to get a tour as an up and coming record label owner. Keep rocking and thnax for sharing your.....experienece. :-)
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