Joes Pub - NYC
I was planning on getting up early today but at around 5am this morning when I looked at the clock and still hadn't fallen asleep I realized this was not likely to happen... it was just soooooooo hot in my room and the AC wasn't working... and no matter how hard I tried I could not get to sleep.... so after getting up I went around the corner for a fresh juice and a bagel with cream cheese... mmmmmhhhhh.... nice way to start the day..... we all got to Joes Pub at around 2pm for loadin and soundcheck... was a bit of a weird venue I thought but everyone seems to love it... the stage was tiny for us though and it was a bit of a squeeze... the other strange thing was that as soon as we sounchecked we had to load all our gear off stage again because another band was doing a show before us... not a support act... rather there were two separate shows on tonight... each to his own I guess... once we had set up and soundchecked I had about 4 hours before I had to be back so I decided to use them and head back up to COSM to check out the gallery... and boy am I pleased that I did... it was amazing... I was literally in heaven... I have both of Alex Greys books with his paintings in them but to see them in their full grandeur was breath taking... I wasn't prepared for how BIG they are... WOW is all I can say... no point in trying to explain any more... if you are in New York I highly recommend checking it out... I walked back down to the hotel and stopped off in Chelsea to have some Thai food... Pad Thai as always (hi Carim)... and it was yummy... I also stopped for another break at a bookshop and had an Iced Mocha to cool me down... it was so humid outside... from there it was back to the hotel to pick up my stage stuff and then a whole group of us including Queen Bee Juana Molina walked back to the venue... the band on before us were a little weird.... it kinda reminded me of a Las Vegas show or something... it was almost that bad that it was good if you know what I mean.... Gal, Juana and I had a laugh at the bar as we caught the last 10 minutes of the show.... it was sooooooooooo over the top... once they were done and off stage it was time for our final final show of the tour... we all went for it and I think we all enjoyed it... the one thing that threw me a little to start with when I got on stage was that I spotted Keziah Jones sitting at a table right in front of me... that's always a weird feeling playing a show knowing that someone you really respect is checking it out... but it was an honor no less especially when I was packing up the gear after the show and he came up and shook my hand and told me he thought the show was 'tight'... cool :o) We all hung out after the show and just enjoyed the fact that we completed the tour with a good show... t'was a great feeling... once we loaded all the gear up and took it back to the hotel it was time for the true highlight of the tour....

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