Off to Los Angeles... again
We had an early start this morning... The Nut picked us up around 7:30am and drove us to Heathrow... Surprisingly we had little problems checking in all the gear for this tour... must have been because it was quite an empty flight... it did take fairly long though so we didn't have much time to walk around duty free but I guess thats life :oPWatched some really good movies on the flight over the big lake incl. Walk The Line, Enron (documentary), Capote & Crash all of which I thought were really very good. When we arrived at LAX we got through customs fine (thank God) and then Andy picked us up and brought to us to our hotel in Santa Monica. By this time we were all pretty shattered. After a band meeting we decided to go get some food before crashing. I stopped by Andys first to play the role of family photographer. Then we got some food on 3rd street and just went back to the hotel and died...

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