Monday, October 30, 2006

Paradiddle One

I just put up the next videocast... click here to take you to the tutorial site where you will also find the lesson notes...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Beatkitchen - Videocast: 05 Improvisational Interlude

I was going to start with paradiddles this videocast but then I thought 'Nah, to hell with it...' I felt like having some fun today... also a very important lesson... gotta just let go and HAVE SOME FUN... and that's exactly what I did... check it out!

Beatkitchen Tutorials site

I have decided to create a seperate site for my tutorials... don't worry, I will still be posting all videocasts here as usual... but for those of you who would actually like to study the method I am introducing here, I thought it would be more practical to have a dedicated site where all of the lessons are easily accessible...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

R.I.P Little Elvin

...we'll miss you... xo

Saturday, October 14, 2006

New Myspace profiles

I have finally gotten around to this... something I have been meaning to do for ages now... I have set up a few more myspace profiles... check em out:

Phase Transition - solo project
Spiratom - solo project
Beatkitchen LOOPS - self explanitory I guess...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Blue Man Group results delayed

Just got an email from Blue Man Group saying that it won't be for another two weeks that we get the results from the call backs in Amsterdam...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Beatkitchen - Videocast: 04 Double Strokes

Took a little longer than I expected but here it is... the next beatkitchen videocast... this time we are going to take a look at "Double Strokes"...

... in total there are four variations of the double - as follows ('R' being Right Hand and 'L' being Left Hand):
...pretty simple stuff... but, as with Single Strokes, they are not to be underestimated... these are the building blocks with which you will hopefully drum your way to success... and the better you master them, the more likely it is that you will be able to play all the tricky stuff well... as always make sure to practice these exercises with the click pattern introduced in the last podcast... have fun!

PS: By the way, the amazing sunglasses featured in this podcast where donated by the fabulous Gwen Gwen Gwen....

Robert Anton Wilson SOS

The great Robert Anton Wilson is in need of help... if you are a fan of his work, as I am, you may want to contribute something in this time of need... click here for details...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Belated Psapp concert review

Sweet how I still receive the odd email from Psapp fans with links to stuff on the web... click here to read this 'belated' review I just got sent of the Vancouver show we did back in June...