Richards on Richards - Vancouver
We left Seattle at about 6am this morning. At about midday we reached the Canadian border... was a bit nerve wrecking especially because one of the officers started taking this one guy apart who was trying to get across the border... eventually he was denied - I kinda felt sorry for him but his whole story was such an obvious lie that it was no real surprise that he wasn't let in... It was a breeze for us though for some unknown reason... I was expecting them to take the tour bus apart and question all of us but that wasn't the case... within about 30 mins we were on our way to Vancouver again. We got there a little bit before load in so we went off for some food... A few of us had some really nice Thai food just down the road from the venue... was so nice to have a proper warm meal! When we got back to the venue and set up I had some time to kill so I finally started to organize my tour photos which have been piling up since I left home... there are probably about 1000 I have already taken which needed filing but I actually quite enjoy that bit... at least it gives me something to do whilst sitting around waiting to soundcheck! Once we were done done Soundvibe, Carim and I went for some sushi down the road... we found this really nice little place that served good food at a great price.... but as we all know everything comes at its price... the price for Carim was that waitress spilled green tea all over his crotch... nice :oPAgain the venue was really was packed kind of surprised me because it is a Tuesday night and I expected the venue to be empty... our show was cool... my Elvis wig is starting to look really crap so I decided to reverse it... Gal said I looked like an 80's Italian football player... not sure if that was a compliment or not... Juanas show went well to I think even there were some technichal problems to start with... her pedals were set up the wrong way which was a little confusing.... and the audience were really loud which was kind of off putting so she ended up cutting her set a little short... I squeezed my way to the front row and loved every minute of it... sooooo inspiring! After Juana was done I went backstage to get some more water as I was dehydrating by this point... when it was tome for Jose to go on I decided to watch his show from the side... literally as Jose started playing his first song I turned and knocked a full glass of windowcleaner all across the stage - all over some electrical sockets too... I thought Johan, Joses tourmanager was going to kill me :o/ but after he cleared it up I think he was ok.... Jose did an unbelievable set as well... it amazes me how he can just hold the entire audience in the palm of his hand just with his guitar and his voice... at the end of his set he called us all up on stage and we performed 'Happy Birthday to You' for our tourmanager Deb... it was really sweet... after the show we all went back on the bus had a little party for her.... it was so lovely night tonight... everyone on this tour is just so cool and sometimes I can't help but feel this is all part of something bigger than all of us together...

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